HOME Culture Signing Memorandum for Malay Students toStudy in China

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Signing Memorandum for Malay Students toStudy in China

Signing Memorandum for Malay Students toStudy in China

The important memorandum has been arrangedan official ceremony in this historic school. AT-China Education staffs inMalaysia all attended this ceremony since a minister was invited to be awatcher. To pay the respect to minister, everybody arrived one hour earlierthan minister.

While waiting for minister's arrival, thepersons from both sides start interaction by greeting, discussing this event, takingphoto...etc. The teachers in this school were chatting about their background,students and religion. The interaction is so successful that everybody feeltime flees.



Once minister arrived, AT CHINA EDUCATIONdirectors walked out immediately to welcome minister. The minister shaked handsgladly with them.


The ceremony began once minister arrived. Both sides delivered the speech about this projects. Yi-Ping wasrepresenting AT CHINA EDUCATION. Then minister also spoke about this project. He honored the achievement of China and encouraged these students tostudy in China.


The signing of menorandum was afterminister's speech. Both signed the memo as usual then minister had to sign as awatcher. The ceremony ended with glee and unexpected feast.

